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The ElderPages

The Legends at North Ponds

The Legends at North Ponds is a state-of-the-art apartment community for active adults 55+ located in Webster, NY. We�re not an assisted living facility or a retirement complex. We don�t even like to call ourselves senior living. We�re simply an affordable community giving mature, active adults the lifestyle they deserve with all the latest amenities and unparalleled management services. Forget mowing the lawn, forget paying the mortgage, forget fixing the leaky faucet. You�ve done all that for years. At The Legends at North Ponds contemporary senior apartment community, you�ll be freed from the responsibilities of home ownership and better able to just enjoy living.
Address 830 Holt Road
Webster, NY 14580
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation M-F 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday Closed
Phone (585) 872-9166
Email N/A
Website N/A