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The Housing Council at Pathstone

The Housing Council at PathStone serves to increase successful homeownership and tenancy experiences for low- to moderate-income residents in Monroe County and surrounding counties. Grant programs are administered for local municipalities, New York State, private foundations, and federal programs.
The Housing Council at PathStone provides housing counseling and intervention services for tenants, homeowners, and the homeless, plus comprehensive assistance and direct training to landlords. The agency also maintains a Housing Hotline, promotes fair housing awareness, publishes a rental registry, and provides inspection services for rental programs. The Housing Council at PathStone serves over 8,000 households annually.
Address 75 College Avenue, 4th Floor
Rochester, NY 14607
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone (585) 546-3700