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The ElderPages

S.W.A.N. Inc. at Montgomery Neighborhood Center

he Montgomery Neighborhood Center as we know it today was constructed in 1956. At the time of its founding, the corporation faced the challenge of restoring a sense of community in a neighborhood suffering the multiple shocks of structural decay, the spread of urban blight, and a rapidly changing population as many African Americans settled in the Southwest. The Center remains committed to its initial objectives "To organize, operate, and maintain a neighborhood center in Rochester, to promote and foster neighborhood life and guide its development." The initial programs at 10 Cady Street included a Craft Program, Welcome Wagon, and Block By Block Clean-Up. Today, our services stem from three main programs: the Senior Nutrition Program, Family Emergency Services, and the Neighborhood Preservation Program.
Address 10 Cady Street
Rochester, NY 14608
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation Call for hours of operation
Phone (585) 436-3090