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SCORE - Counselors to America's Small Business

SCORE is a national volunteer organization of experiences business professionals who offer free, confidential counseling and low cost educational programs to assist new and existing small business owners. SCORE is a Resource Partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Our chapter is part of the National SCORE network which has a network of 13,000+ volunteers offering small business owners free business mentoring at no charge. If our chapter does not have the mentor who fits your business in the right way or who doesn't have the expertise you need; we can call on this volunteer network and connect you with someone who does have what you need. At SCORE, you don't just get one mentor; you get the entire organization.
Address 100 State Street, Room 410 Keating Federal Building
Rochester, NY 14614
Get directions
County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County and Other
Hours of Operation N/A
Phone (585) 263-6473
Email N/A