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Regional Transit Service/RTS Access

Rides can be booked 7-days in advance; this means rides can be booked no more than 7-days in advance of your desired trip date. To schedule a ride, customers may use our online booking or call our scheduling office. Before 8am and after 5pm, call 654-0675. Hours of service mirror the RTS fixed route system as mandated by ADA, and is available 7-days a week, including holidays. Changes that increase or decrease the times served by the RTS fixed route service will result in comparable changes to RTS Access hours. A scheduler can identify the pickup and drop off times that will most closely meet your travel request needs.
Address 588 Trabold Street
Rochester, NY 14624
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 4m-1am Sa-Su 5am-1am
Phone (585) 224-8330
Email N/A