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Pets at Peace by Harris Funeral Home

We are proud to say that we offer pet loss services with the highest integrity, care and transparency. When we opened in 2009, we changed the way pet loss was being handled in Rochester, NY, which is why many Veterinarian Hospitals switched to our services exclusively.

We are the only Pet Cremation Provider that has a professional license in Death, Dying and Grief. Because we are Licensed Funeral Directors, our training consists of the correct way of handling the death and performing the cremation.

Our company is also recognized as a national leader in pet Loss. We belong to CANA (Cremation Association of North America) and to the PLPA (Pet Loss Professionals Alliance.

Also see parent company - Harris Funeral Home
Address 570 Kings Highway
Rochester, NY 14617
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation 24/7
Phone (585) 544-2041