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The ElderPages

Penfield Parks & Recreation

Penfield Recreation offers Penfield Seniors free Lifelong Learning opportunities through the Daytime Education at Recreation (DEAR) program. The DEAR schedule is available online on the DEAR calendar at Daytime Education at Recreation - DEAR - Wisdom at its finest hour. Penfield Recreation offers classes and lectures to our consortium of lifetime learners. The program engages senior adults in intellectual, socially viable cognitive activities to help keep minds sharp and alert while reducing the risk or delaying the onset of age-related concerns. Daytime Education at Recreation at Penfield Community Center has become an important staple to adults who understand the significance of this idea and would like to reshape the way they spend leisure time, meeting new and interesting people along the way. Join the national movement to learn and share life experience with others, exploring the multitude of free programs available. Programs are open to non-residents a week after registration has begun. The Recreation Dept. also schedules open Mah Jong play, card games, craft and knitting groups and films as well as a monthly services from Eldersource Care Management. A representative from Eldersource is available on a first come first serve basis at the Penfield Community Center the last Tuesday of the month. Case managers can assist with age related services to adults and caregivers. There are also fee paid exercise classes, pickle ball play, and AARP Drivers Safety programs offered throughout the year. Bri-Pen Volunteer Senior Rides is a free transportation service which available to bring Penfield and Brighton residents to the Penfield Community Center, medical appointments and church services. Contact Bri-Pen Senior Rides at 340-8674 for details.
Address 1985 Baird Rd
Penfield, NY 14526
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation Call for more information
Phone (585) 377-8655