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Laying on of the Hands Orthopedic Massage

Laying On Of Hands Orthopedic Massage provides a painless, deep tissue massage using the skeletal system to get to the necessary deeper layer of muscle from the inside out, rather than the painful and common burrowing though the top later of muscle. This improves circulation, mobility, decreases or limits medication dependence and even avoidance of surgery! I treat kyphosis, hyper-kyphosis lordosis and scoliosis just to name a (very) few.
Address 95 Allens Creek Rd. , Bldg. 2, Suite 227
Rochester, NY 14618
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County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County
Hours of Operation M-S 10 -5, open til 7:30 Monday, Tues, and Thursday
Phone (585) 376-2225