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The ElderPages

Generation Two

Generation Two, (G2), is a non-profit organization that pairs trained volunteers with K-2 grade students during the school day for weekly 30-minute 1:1 sessions using child-directed play. Volunteers attend an orientation in September on child-directed play and roles/responsibilities to prepare for sessions beginning in the fall of the current year. After attending orientation, volunteers are assigned a site based on specific site schedules and volunteer availability. G2 sessions occur on the same day and at the same time each week, and volunteers are assigned up to 3 children for consecutive 30 minute 1:1 play sessions from October to April/May. G2 is currently partnering with local schools in the Rochester and surrounding areas.
Address 1000 Elmwood Ave, Door 2
Rochester, NY 14620
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County Monroe
Area Served N/A
Hours of Operation Call for more information
Phone (315) 520-5064