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The ElderPages

Elder Justice Committee of Metro Justice

Elder Justice Committee of Metro Justice is a volunteer, member-driven,
progressive, not for profit, advocacy organization which for over 20 years has worked for elders
to live purposeful, self-directed, meaningful, and dignified lives. We advocate for long-term care
facilities to be transformed from hospital-like holding institutions into nurturing places where
adults can to live truly fulfilling lives in safety and with dignity; for seniors to receive needed
supports to continue living in their homes as they age; and for vulnerable adults to be protected
from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Elder Justice Committee�s advocacy is strong, well known,
and respected throughout New York State.
Elder Justice Committee works to enact laws affecting seniors. We were active in the passage of
the many 2021 New York State nursing home reform laws including: setting minimum nursing
staffing levels; requiring nursing homes use a minimum 70% of revenue on care; and increasing
nursing home transparency and accountability. All imperative to ensuring both quality of care
and safety of residents.
Elder Justice Committee convinced the NYS Comptroller to audit the NYS Department of
Health's Nursing Home Surveillance Unit, resulting in the documentation of lax enforcement of
regulations. We objected to the Department of Health�s shipment of 33 residents to Utica against
their will because of the rushed closing of the Blossom South nursing home, and we worked to
successfully return all those wanting to return to Monroe County. We continue to work for
enforcement of laws and regulations and effective oversight of long-term care facilities.
Elder Justice Committee publishes federal government ratings of all nursing homes in Monroe
County to inform and assist people when choosing a nursing home.
Elder Justice Committee meets monthly. Contact us by phone or email for more information, and to join us in our mission of transforming elder care.
Address 389 Gregory Street
Rochester, NY 14620
Get directions
County Monroe
Area Served Monroe County and Other
Hours of Operation 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Phone (585) 397-3537