Nutrition Centers/Meal Sites
Brighton Senior Center
(585) 784-5266
Brookside Community Center, 220 Idlewood Road
Rochester, NY 14618
Centro de Oro Senior Center
(585) 256-8900 x123
485 North Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14605
Charles Settlement House
(585) 277-0813
71 Parkway
Rochester, NY 14608
Chili Senior Center
(585) 889-4680
3237 Chili Avenue
Rochester, NY 14624
Community Place of Greater Rochester Aging Services
(585) 288-0021
145 Parsells Avenue
Rochester, NY 14609
Gates Senior Center
(585) 247-6100
1605 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Greece Community & Senior Center
(585) 723-2425
3 Vince Tofany Boulevard
Greece, NY 14612
Henrietta Senior Center
(585) 334-4030
515 Calkins Road
Henrietta, NY 14467
Hilton-Parma Senior Center
(585) 392-9030
59 Henry Street
Hilton, NY 14468
Ibero-American Action League, Inc.
(585) 256-8900
124 Evergreen St.
Rochester, NY 14605
Irondequoit Senior Center
(585) 336-6078
450 Skyview Centre Parkway
Rochester, NY 14622
Lifespan Older Adult Centers
(585) 244-8400
1900 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
Livingston County Office for the Aging
(585) 243-7520
3 Murray Hill Drive
Mt. Morris, NY 14510
MARC of Baden Street
(585) 325-4910 x1133
86 Vienna Street
Rochester, NY 14605
Monroe County Senior Centers
(585) 753-6280
435 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14620
Ogden Senior Center
(585) 617-6126
200 S. Union Street
Spencerport, NY 14559
Penfield Parks & Recreation
(585) 377-8655
1985 Baird Rd
Penfield, NY 14526
Prayer House Church of God by Faith
(585) 244-3940
270 Cumberland Street
Rochester, NY 14605
S.W.A.N. Inc. at Montgomery Neighborhood Center
(585) 436-3090
10 Cady Street
Rochester, NY 14608
The Lodge on the Canal
(585) 637-8161
133 State Street
Brockport, NY 14420
Town of Perinton 55+ Program
(585) 223-5050
1350 Turk Hill Road
Fairport, NY 14450
Town of Pittsford Senior Center
(585) 248-6235
35 Lincoln Avenue
Pittsford, NY 14534
Webster Senior Center
(585) 872-7102
1350 Chiyoda Drive
Webster, NY 14580
Wheatland Senior Center
(585) 889-1284
22 Main Street
Scottsville, NY 14546